Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Basic notes on JavaScript

bout a year ago I spent a good chunk of time obsessing over Codecademy lessons and my "streak." Despite the headache I got from figuring out the math on a couple of loops, I really enjoyed JS as a language and am pleased to say I can still just write out a loop (at least for something simple) on demand. I stopped poking at their lessons just because I wanted to move on to some other subjects and work on live projects, but I would still like to finish up at some point. I've certainly learned that everyone has a different style and that syntax/best practices change and vary continuously.

Just did a little brushing up on JavaScript generally going through this JS basics page, then moseying over the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) pages for further reading. I also have JavaScript: The Good Parts on hand to chug my way through, though I think that may be ongoing and involve more practice/ trying things out, too.
  • Use a function expression (var myCode = function(a, b) {stuff;};) rather than a function declaration (function myCode (a, b) {stuff;};). Finally got a good explanation for this here: "To quote Ben Cherry’s excellent article: 'Function declarations and function variables are always moved ("hoisted") to the top of their JavaScript scope by the JavaScript interpreter.'"
  • Consider scope! Variables declared without var are global, so (almost) always use var.
  • Hooray for OOP. I do like putting things in boxes and generally tidying up.
  • Object literal syntax: var thingy = {property1: 'value', property2: 'value';};  Point: if value is a function (rather than a primitive?), then the property is a method
  • Dot notation: objectname.propertyname
  • Bracket notation: objectname['propertyname']
  • While I can handle this, I don't particularly like this.
  • Ternary operators, shorthand for if/else: var status = ( a === 'aaaa' ) ? 'Panic' : 'Calm'; (had a hard time coming up with a neutral for this one. Essentially: For status, if value of a is panicked screaming, assign value of "Panic" to status. Otherwise, assign value "Calm.")(Personally I much prefer "Don't Panic" to "Keep Calm and Carry On," particular since the latter has been so overused lately)
  • Further reading on JS overview here was very helpful for just clarifying where it stands in relation to Java and ECMAScript, plus some basic properties. Once I found MDN, I abandoned old W3Schools. 
  • I need a better understanding of how code executes. Closures? Hoisting? ack.
  • So, scope? 
Things read: 
& all the links at the bottom of the JS Basics page.
This bit on JS closures (still not sure I understand).
And "If Hemingway Wrote JavaScript," which is amusing even if you don't know anything about code.

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